Technical Tooling's manufacturing procedures and processes adhere to the highest quality standards. Throughout the project, we work closely with our customers to guarantee a successful outcome and a final product that performs to your tooling specifications.

We specialize in making Custom Molds for Composite Layups. Utilizing our ultra-low CTE base material, Ravin™, our tooling provides the optimal CTE match to carbon fiber at a price point much lower than Invar, making it the ideal solution for prototyping and short run programs.

We are experts in designing and manufacturing custom trim fixtures that optimize production of quality parts for even the most complex of geometries. We utilize Vacu-Grip™ to create the most effective vacuum workholding surface for CNC mill fixtures available. Our vacuum fixtures are extremely durable, serving both low and high production environments.

5-axis Composite Machining (large work envelope)
Big parts require big machines. Our true work horses are large work envelope 5-Axis CNC Routers for machining of composite tooling. \

High Temp Oven Curing
We have large scale ovens to cure our Ravin™ Layup Mold material. We can cure up to 400°F and meet specific ramp rates and dwell times.

Carbon Fiber & Fiberglass Layup & Infusion
While making fly away parts is not our core business, we have the equipment and capability to carbon fiber and fiberglass layups as well as resin infusions.
Composite Tooling

How We Meet Your Composite Production Needs

Metal Milling (3 & 4-axis)
We utilize different milling fixtures from basic Bridgeport’s to Large 4-Axis metal milling centers with up to 98” of travel. We can machine tight tolerances in both soft and hard metals for different components and features in our tooling.

Turning/Lathe Work
We have in house capabilities to do small scale, tight tolerance turned components on our lathe for custom elements we integrate into our tooling.

Laser Etching
We utilize a laser etcher for many types of part markings and tool tags. We can etch on a multitude of materials including metals and plastics.

Many of large fixtures are supported by substructure weldments. Steel and aluminum welding capabilities are a core expertise.
Metal Working

CAD Design
We design our tools from the ground up. Actually, we typically design from the part surface down. Regardless, CAD design is a core competency at Technical Tooling. Utilizing several common industry CAD Software systems, we can support any complex tooling design.

From the screen to the machine, our 5-axis programming abilities help bring our tooling designs into the real world.

Laser Inspection
We laser inspect each tool before it leaves our doors to ensure that it qualifies to the customers tolerance standards. Laser inspection reports are standard procedure to ensure the quality of our tooling.

Surface Coating
Our mold fixtures require different surface coatings based on the application. From the most common hi-temp epoxy surfaces to more complex composite face sheets, we have the equipment and knowledge base to ensure our mold surfaces deliver the best parts possible.

Painting / Powder Coating
Durable tool life is critical. We have sprayers, booths, ovens, and talented individuals that apply the right coating to our subframes and support structures.